RCM012 Wood Base


Acrylic Paint Marker for Model Making. Fast Drying & Warterproof
Special formulation for modeling. Perfect grip on plastic, resin, metal and wooden surfaces. Resistant to water and heat. Can be applied in layers like any other modelling paint. High coverage. Does not blur. Allows for subsequent weathering with any product without fear of removing the
paint. Ideal for applying base coats on small scales or for painting camouflage accessories in a clean, comfortable and precise way.


Real Color Markers are recommended for hobbyists who are just starting out and for any experienced modeler who wants to paint details or apply small base coats quickly. They are not a substitute for paints since they do not allow for certain techniques like wet blending, feathering, dry brushing, etc., which are only possible with traditional paint.

They are ideal for creating hard-edge camouflage patterns, disruptive patterns, etc. The markers are extremely useful for painting details with great precision.