
MaxThrust Pro-Built Balsa Riot Blue – IC or Electric

Original price was: £199.99.Current price is: £189.99.

The MaxThrust Pro-Built Riot allows you to choose what power system you want. The foamie Riot comes factory fitted with and electric motor, but you may want to increase the power or may not event want to use electric power at all. This is where the Pro-Built Riot comes in, you have the option to put whatever you wish. Got a .40-.46 engine lying around, this is an ideal candidate for it!

1 in stock

SKU: 1-MT-BALSA-RIOT-B Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


The Balsa Pro Build Riot is the first Foam based model to be then redesigned and produced in Balsa. We realised that there were lots of you guys out there that really like a good quality Professionally built Balsa model but also loved the original Riot so that’s what we have. Each model comes with the mounts and accessories so that the model can be assembled with either an I.C. Nitro Engine or Electric power, you get to choose the way you want to power your model without having to buy a fitting kit!


The model fly’s well in either configuration and has a fantastic Quality Oracover finish which looks fantastic and stays clean and shiny. The model is available in four different ways, you can buy it in either a pre-covered Red, Blue or Yellow scheme or a ready to cover versions so you can do your own colour scheme. For I.C. power the Prototype model used an OS 40 but you can use up to a .46 size engine. The electric version used an Overlander 4250/06 motor with 4cell 2600 Li-Po battery and this proved to be very powerful. The New Riot Pro Build should prove to be a great club fling model well into the future as its sister foam model has been.