We keep a wide selection of covering materials for your RC and Free Flight aircraft from iron-on polyester based films to nylon.
Our main brands for iron-on covering are Oracover/Profilm and Oratex (sold by the metre), MacGregor and the new Aerofilm from Ripmax. We also have supplies of Easycoat Seconds, which is a very cost effective way of purchasing covering film at around £16 for 5 metres of material, and some remaining stocks of Solarfilm and Litespan. All the covering material we stock has been tried by us before we stock them so that we know: how strong and resilient it is, its ease of application and if there are any tricks to getting the best finish. This way we can answer any questions and queries our customers may have. We also stock the heat sealing irons and heat guns to help you get that professional finish.

While we can’t get the high quality lightweight Japanese tissue coverings, we have got a good range of different coloured and patterned lightweight tissues for Free Flight models. Along with this, we always aim to keep Cellulose Shrinking and Non-Shrinking Dope, Banana Oil (in tins and spray cans) along with Cellulose Thinners and Tissue Paste. We also stock 1/4″ Super Sport Tan 2 Rubber that is sold by the yard.